insurance premium

10 tips to save on your insurance premium


 Every year, insurance prices increase. Increase in the number of accidents, cost of repairs and labor, frequency of natural disasters, seriousness of bodily injury … there are many reasons given by insurers to justify these increases.

Obviously, the increase is more or less marked depending on the product. Generally, auto and home are the most affected insurance sectors . Here are 10 tips to adjust your budget and save on auto and multi-risk home insurance premiums.


1 : Question your insurer every year, because loyalty pays very rarely and the best prices are generally reserved for new policyholders

This rule is unfortunately true for many products and services, including telephone and television subscription contracts. It is therefore good to go around the market (to get an idea of ​​prices elsewhere) and to compete.

2 : Compare to identify cheaper contracts with equivalent guarantees on the market

To have a good view of the insurance market, you have to compare the contracts, and thus identify those that are cheaper than yours, for equivalent guarantees.

3 : Use an online insurance comparator to save time, efficiency and comprehensiveness

Compare online is free and actually saves a lot of time, imagine if you had to travel or call each insurer to study their formulas!

» Compare auto insurance

» Compare home insurance

4 : Favor an online actor, often cheaper, for connoisseurs

The advantage of favoring insurers present only on the web is also not to pay the brand or the physical agency, and therefore to benefit from better offers.

 5 : Negotiate with physical insurers by offering the car and home, a second car or a provident plan. Insurers are more flexible if they insure more contracts

If you have several contracts and services under the same banner, this can give you access to more advantageous rates from your insurer.

6 : Adjust the guarantees as closely as possible to their needs (age of the vehicle, kilometers traveled, values ​​of movable property, etc.)

It’s obvious: only pay for what you need. This is as true for mutual insurance as it is for cars and homes.

7 : Choose annual payment because there is a charge for monthly payments

If your insurer offers a monthly rather than annual payment, be aware that the overall amount of your premium will be higher. Paying your car or home insurance premium all at once means a reduction.

8 : Increase deductibles to lower the cost of insurance

This is advice that few are aware of, but which can affect your insurance premium in the long run.

9 : Be careful with the declaration of small claims which may impact the amount of the premium while personal care could be more economical

It is true that taking care of small repairs directly would prevent you being awarded a penalty and your insurance premium from increasing

10 : Do not reduce your guarantees to save in the short term because in the long term and in the event of an accident the calculation could be bad

This last tip goes hand in hand with the sixth. So remember this: list your needs, and adapt the guarantees as much as possible to them. Be careful, your needs may change from year to year, so review them each year at the same time as you tour the insurance market to compare your contract with the available offers.


Insurance rates vary according to three criteria: the loss experience of the previous year and the following year (estimate), the applied commercial strategy (search for or restriction of margins) and the current financial returns .

Auto insurance will increase between 0 and 2.5% for 2015 due in particular to the increase in the cost and frequency of bodily injuries in 2014 (by 5%) which can be explained by the good weather and the drop in price. fuels, which made the French drive more, and also by the new risky behaviors of drivers (more and more frequent use of smartphones while driving).

The increase in auto insurance is however moderated by some insurers who have voluntarily frozen their rates, thus favoring conquest commercial strategies to anticipate competition with the entry into force of the Hamon law on January 1, 2015.

Home insurance will experience an increase of 2.5 to 5% , because the sector practiced fairly low premium levels, having underestimated the weight of climatic events and natural disasters that 2014 saw.

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